
Saturday Round 4 - Away @ Ballarat

Sat, 1 Jun
from 1:00pm to 3:00pm

by Jason
Posted: 8 months ago
Updated: 14 days ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Australia/Melbourne
Reminder: 1 week before
Ends: 03:00pm (duration is about 2 hours)

SATURDAY 1pm 1st June, we head to the arctic circle to take on Ballarat.

Bus will be leaving Golden Square Woolies at no later than 10:30am. Try to get there 10 minutes prior

The Bus is a 12 seater so limited space available however anyone who committed to the bus will have a spot with 1 or 2 spots left.
If anyone is driving, it would be great to meet at woolies to help with any extra gear so pls get in touch. If need be, we can also car pool with any extras.
For those Driving, the game is at Russel Square, Ballarat.
As usual, we’ll be making a few pub stops on the way home for those new to the bus scene.
If you are no longer on the bus and haven’t let me know, please do so asap.

We’re also chasing a driver for the bus. Get in touch.

Also keep in mind, this is a Saturday game, not a Sunday game!

Seeya there.


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