
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle

Sat, 21 Oct 2023
from 9:00am to 4:00pm

by Ben Hunter
Posted: over 1 year ago
Updated: 14 days ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Australia/Melbourne
Reminder: 2 weeks before
Ends: 04:00pm (duration is about 7 hours)

Saturday 21st October will be our next sausage sizzle at Epsom Bunnings. We’re chasing 6 to 8 volunteers for 3-4 hour shifts.
Let us know if you can help. Short shift or all day, anything will be appreciated


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  • [2023-May-24 06:42 PM] Ben Hunter: Updated
  • [2023-Jun-23 11:36 PM] Ben Hunter: Updated
  • [2023-Sep-13 06:55 PM] Ben Hunter: Updated
  • [2023-Oct-03 08:46 PM] Ben Hunter: Updated

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